Tuesday, September 22, 2015

This is why I started the Toronto Garlic Festival

People like Edward Kuciak, who came out to the 5th Annual Toronto Garlic Festival on Sunday. We spoke for just a couple of minutes, but it was obvious to me that he's a big lover of Allium Sativuum.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Even the Cameraman Likes It

We did an on air interview with Le Dolci. Afterward the camera guy swarmed the table for a bite of the home-made black garlic marshmallows.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On air garlic chopping

I had a great time with Frank Procter on AM 740 am. He didn't mind that I chopped some fresh garlic, on-air, for his garlic bread. Garlic smell can't travel over radio waves, too bad.