Monday, November 15, 2010

Impressions of the Season

I did it.
Eight months
five million weeds
five miles of bed
18 tons of cow shit
2,000 gallons of maple syrup

Or something like that. The only thing I know for certain is the time spent at the farm.
As time goes on my farm stories will take on Bunyon-like proportions

What I liked the least: milking. The cows at Whole Circle are magnificent. But there was something about milking those hairy beasts that disturbed my psyche.

What I liked the most: Meetings in the common room, running after escaped cows, feeding the pigs, using the farmall (to weed), managing the harvest (when I was left to my own devices), eating ice cream at the Acton market, transplanting, building stuff with Johann, watching the chickens come out of the back of the bus at 6 am.

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