Monday, July 19, 2010

Bringing in the Garlic Harvest

After forking the garlic from the ground they get placed on bread trays, then stacked up, and loaded with the forklift (skidsteer) onto a wagon, and driven to the barn, where they'll hang from beams for several weeks.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zelig Cuts The Ribbon

I'm heading to the opening day of the new farmers' market in Acton, with a bus full of produce picked that morning.

A few minutes into the start of the market and Josey, the market manager, asked me to cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony.

"Ahh, yeah, be there in a minute Josey."

Since Whole Circle is the only farmer vendor at the market I was asked to cut the ribbon on behalf of Whole Circle and as a representative of the farming community. I was given a pair of garden shears, and stood in the middle of a line of local bigwigs including the town mayor. After a few seconds of click click clicking of the local reporters' cameras I cut a length of twine to the hoopla and cheers of local bystanders.

After being blinded by the flash of the paparazzi cameras I got back to my table piled high with vegetables and excoriated an elderly lady for mauling my bags of fresh picked lettuce mix.