Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Book is scheduled for June 27 launch

I wish the cover had a food shot.
Oh well, you can tweak and  worry and fret. It's the content that will sell it, I hope....

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chef Anne Sorrenti wins Chopped Canada

My good friend Anne Sorrenti won Chopped Canada recently. It's a well deserved win. I interviewed her for my book and learned that she's been cooking since she was a young girl. As she told me, "From a young age I started a lot of fires in the kitchen. But I knew how to put them out."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Warm Up for the book tour

Enjoyable night at Table Talks at the Depanneur restaurant. I answered questions from dinner guests about garlic while owner/chef Len Senator cooked garlic roasted with chicken thighs, cherry tomatoes, red onions, potatoes & balsamic vinegar. On the side, crispy, nutty garlic chips top a salad of sweet, caramelized seared carrots mixed with arugula & goat cheese


The three questions:
Where does garlic come from?                          
What are the best prep and cooking techniques to get different flavours from garlic?             
What’s the difference between Ontario and imported garlic?
The answers: to be found in my book: Ontario Garlic: The Story from Farm to Festival, coming summer, 2015

Len Senator behind the counter